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Butterworth, Philip. Theatre of Fire: Special Effects in Early English and Scottish Theatre. The Society for Theatre Research. London, 1998.

Fitzpatrick, Tim. Playwright, Space and Place in Early Modern Performance. Aldershot, 2011.

From Script to Stage in Early Modern England. Ed. Peter Holland and Stephen Orgel. Basingstoke, 2004.

Graves, R. B. Lighting the Shakespearean Stage, 1567-1642. Carbondale and Edwardsville, Illinois, 1999.

Gurr, Andrew, and Mariko Ichikawa. Staging in Shakespeare's Theatres. Oxford, 2000.

Hyland, Peter. Disguise on the Early Modern English Stage. Farnham, Surrey; Burlington, VT, 2011.

Ichikawa, Mariko. Shakespearean Entrances. Basingstoke, 2002.

Ichikawa, Mariko. The Shakespearean Stage Space. Cambridge, 2013.

Kiefer, Frederick. Shakespeare's Visual Theatre: Staging the Personified Characters. Cambridge, 2003.

McJannet, Linda. The Voice of Elizabethan Stage Directions: The Evolution of a Theatrical Code. Newark, Delaware, 1999.

Meads, Chris. Banquets Set Forth: Banqueting in English Renaissance Drama. Manchester, 2001.

Moving Shakespeare Indoors. Ed. Andrew Gurr and Farah Karim-Cooper. Cambridge, 2014.

Rutter, Carol Chillington, ed.Documents of the Rose Playhouse, revised edition. Manchester, 1999.

Smith, Bruce R. The Acoustic World of Early Modern England: Attending to the O-Factor. Chicago and London, 1999.

Stage Directions and Shakespearean Theatre. Ed. Sarah Dustagheer and Gillian Woods. London, 2018.

Staged Properties in Early Modern English Drama. Ed. Jonathan Gil Harris and Natasha Korda. Cambridge, 2002.

Stern, Tiffany. Documents of Performance in Early Modern England. Cambridge, 2009.

Textual Performances: The Modern Reproduction of Shakespeare's Drama. Ed. Lukas Erne and Margaret Jane Kidnie. Cambridge, 2004.

Tribble, Evelyn B. Cognition in the Globe. New York, 2011.

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